Destination Arcterra! (Drop 7)
Here are some features coming in Drop 7 for Wildstar outside of the Black Hole House, the costumes and flare. While this drop will not feature the new Redmoon Raid, note that the Redmoon Raid will be on PTR once Drop 7 takes place. So likely we are looking at Redmoon for Drop 8. This drop will likely coincide with Wildstar becoming available on Steam!

Drop 7 will feature an additional new and challenging zone called Arcterra. It a frozen wasteland of mysterious ruins, dangerous creatures and acneint technology showcasing non-other than the mysterious O-S 1, e.g. the Osun. What mysterious lie there? Tune in and find out in Destination Arcterraaaaaaa!
Features after the jump:
* Brand new max-level zone offers dynamic content and events for solo players or groups of roving adventurers, presenting new challenges at every turn.
* "Snowballing" Boss Encounters: As players defeat bosses across the frozen wastes of Arcterra, even more powerful bosses appear—offering greater challenges and awesome rewards!
* Heavy Weather: During this blizzard event, players will compete to collect keys from epic bosses—opening up exclusive access to a secret dungeon for their faction.
* Loot, Loot and More Loot: Arcterra has its own reward track, offering dedicated players cool loot like new costume pieces, a unique mount, and more.

* Vault of the Archon
You may have wondered about it you may have heard it whispered about in those odd datacubes, but where is it. Finally some more answers as the genesis story continues. Chapter 2 of the Nexus Saga launches with the Vault of the Archon located deep in the frozen waste of Arcterra. Inside players will encounter a story-driven instance that will continue the Drusera story and the escalating conflict with the Entity. But wait, this content, unlike other Drusersa stories, will be available for solo play and group!

* Awesome gameplay: This instance features unique gameplay mechanics, secret locations, and memorable boss encounters.
* Unforgettable Storytelling: Join Dorian Walker and Artemis Zin in this epic adventure with breathtaking environments, great cinematics, and fully voiced NPCs.
* Play with your friends: Vault of the Archon now supports multi-player! Players can either choose to play solo, or experience it with their friends.

Check the vid after the jump, for more from Widlstar News courtesy of cecilandblues. Follow him on twitter @itsboats.