#RedMarmotGaming #ConanExiles #wak4863 #WildGamerSK #Twitch #YouTube #Firstlook #Revisit #Funcom #Survival #Guide
Hey all, so back in 2017 or earlier, I picked up an early access version of Conan Exile, perhaps you've heard of it. Conan Exiles is a survival video game developed and published by Funcom for Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 4, and Xbox One. The game is set in the world of Conan the Barbarian, with the custom playable character being rescued by Conan, beginning their journey.

The most basic premise of Conan Exiles is survival in the fictional prehistoric Hyborian Age. Player characters begin convicted of various crimes, sentenced to death, and are crucified under the scorching desert sun. The player character is rescued by Conan and as an exile must navigate the Exiled Lands, a harsh desert landscape.

A later update added a biome called the Frozen North, which added elements to build, armors and a land to explore. It also added Star metal which is used to build strong armor, and better tools and weapons. An additional biome, The Highlands, was added in 2017. A high-level Volcano area followed in Q2 2018 in the northernmost region of the game map. This newest addition added Obsidian, used to create powerful tools and weapons rivaling their Star Metal counterparts. According to Funcomcommunity manager, Jens Erik, the finished game is around 53 km

I was not entirely impressed with the game in early access and shortly thereafter, but I have been hearing good things since my final departure in 2017 and again in 2018. The game has a surprisingly heavily modded community, and playing with friends who have a grasp on the content and have been following its development is extremely beneficial. So it surprising to see the community size does not come close to something like ARK or has the same amount of traffic. If you've overlooked this game in the past or during the MMO "lull" it might be time to give being an exile a look, with the game sporting its fair share or raids, dungeons and world bosses.

For the community I am with, Age of Calamitous appears to be a major mod they are using for their gameplay, and it has really changed the game in an entirely new and exciting ways. My weapon of choice so far has altered between sword and shield and polearm, as the polearm whether you use it or its used against you appears to stun lock into infinity, with nice blocks from a shield being the only real counter.

I have not had a chance to try the new content and Isle of Siptah, but I'm glad to see that the developers of the game have continued to move on with making content for the game and improving its stability and quality. Back in early 2018, combat in this game and the visuals did not look this good, and I must say I am impressed. If you are looking for an ARK like game to play with friends, set in this type of style but is heavily moddable, then you should definitely give Conan Exiles a try.

The environments have also diversified incredibly. Previously I only remembered this game as having desert and oasis, few npcs, copy paste npcs, and the game felt it was laying heavy on the survival buttons. Since then it looks like permanent settlements and some presence of civilization, and engagement with the environment exist instead of it being as if though some post apocalyptic disaster rendered the area void.

I feel as if though the grind is very real in this game, but that's ok. The visuals and interactions are no longer as bland as they were in the past and seem to be heading in a good direction. I can only say this is thanks to both mods and developer progress with the game. More crafting options and more server options are a blessing too. Access to all these new options early on make engaging the game even easier.

Further control over the customizing of servers of course extends now to the graphic options (e.g. nudity and blood) to the resource options and more. Pick a server that works for you. For additional gaming tops and guides on the game and its recent changes, check out this #beginnersguide from #wak4863 after the jump.
If you have questions comments or just want to hit us up for more info on this or other games, check our #discord , #8bitRamen, and pick our brains. We'd love to talk in voice or chat. Cheers. 🍻🍻🍻